Dear Friends,
Our February Theme:
apparently speaks for itself, because if I want to get anywhere at all, I must try doing something different than what brought me to the current spot. Nonetheless, I find this Theme somehow mysteriously exciting and enticing! 🙂
At the moment I am in the middle of repeating – hopefully in short – a health crisis I had 9 years ago. I am using my knowledge from back then, and what I gained since, to navigate the challenge efficiently without going to all the hoops and loops and “checking” most of the traps, as I used to do 9 years ago. 🙂
Please enjoy Lady Elizabeth's sharing full of Heart!
With all my love,
Dear friends,
Happy Month! Happy February!
I am driving down the highway this sunny morning with the words “never become despondent, never give up” ringing in my ears!
I am immediately transported back to the “old days” when I facilitated the Teenage Camps. The task given to the teenagers was to define a strategy like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars Episode 1 to make a difference in the world. Luke decides to do what he can, the very best that he can, with what is available to him, with what he’s good at.
Once the strategy was defined, they needed to make their strategy attainable by being practical.
Why was this so front of my mind today?
These days I find myself in the unknown. I am dealing with a physical challenge which is something outside of my knowledge bank! My body up until now has been this magnificent machine that has stood me in remarkable stead, having been subjected to lots of abuse of different kinds over the years. Quite incredible, actually.
Now I am dealing with a disabling ailment which manifests around my right kneecap, the source of the pain being different depending on who I talk to. But learning to “bend the knee” seems to be the order of the day!
And along comes our theme for February – Not-Doing the Old.
It is really quite easy to understand the concept of not-doing, but putting it into practice needs skill, and this can only be acquired through constant discipline. Basically, not-doing involves being fully alert all the time whilst observing one’s emotional responses carefully.…
Not-doing is the act of playing a role chosen in the moment, but since we never know what the next moment is going to bring, such acting necessitates the ability to improvise. In the beginning this is difficult for everyone, but as one develops an understanding of oneself, so one can begin to anticipate what one’s emotional responses are going to be.”
My vision is to learn as much as I can from what my body is bringing me, rather than seeing this as something I need to “fight”!
My strategy has been one big not doing for me! Asking for support! Plus double stalking my perception continuously that this is a gift from power and not a punishment because I have done something wrong.
On the support front I don’t play the big hero anymore 😀 Plus for my formal support team I enlisted our coMra healing team, plus my chiropractor/healer friend, plus a sharp, got to be a Northerly female Lol!, 30 year old biokineticist whose job is to help me get back confidence in my leg through strengthening my muscles, and a medical doctor who sees himself as the “grandfather” of our coMra therapy.
My next huge not doing has been to turn my life upside down from applying the healing techniques and rehab sessions in between all my work functions – to fitting in my work between the healing sessions!
Oh my! The past 6 weeks have been one big challenge in this regard! It feels at times as if I am falling further and further behind with my work tasks – and yet so far, the sky has not yet fallen in! LAMOF!
After the first few weeks of healing, I started to shift my words from “The pain is less worse” to “it’s getting better”! By last Wednesday I was feeling great and had had my best rehab session, pain free!
Then the next day I experienced some twinges and one week later the stabbing pains are back again, my knee guard is back on and once again I am into protecting mode.
So there I am this morning on the highway repeating my new mantra:-
Back to the Teenage camp guidance: –
Weeelll…..a few weeks ago I was fear full even getting in a car again, let alone driving!
And healing, any healing, is not linear, is it, Elizabeth? 😀
Oh! Did I mention I am a soul in a hurry?
Lol! To be continued…..
Have fun with our theme this month, my friends!
With all my love and warm healing hugs,
PS “What is the difference between Acting As If and Not-Doing. There is essentially no difference. Not-Doing is to not do your normal doings, physical, emotional and mental. Acting As If is the conscious and willful changing of your normal doings. But in essence the two expressions are synonymous. We simply use the two different expressions to get across the NUANCES of true ACTION. In other words, people become DEAF, LOL, to the SAME expression being used over and over. So it helps to change the terminology whenever we can see that the other person is becoming deaf, and therefore re-enacting his or her folly mechanically! LOL!”
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