Dear Friends,

Our October 2024 Theme is:

We’ve all heard, in our own tongues, as well as in English, that we should take care what we wish for, because it may come true. I can immediately hear some snapping: “I’m not so stupid not to know what to wish for, it just never comes true!” Well,… I’m not sure if it is stupidity or ignorance, but surely I am not immune to it! 🙂

It is so easy, when looking backwards, to see that all that I have materialised has once been a dream – maybe someone else’s dream, which is a shame, but “just” a dream nonetheless. Still, when I look forward, I need to consciously remind myself that just as I must take care what I am doing and if it is beneficial for me and all around, the same applies to dreaming.

At the ISM Retreat last month in a beautiful group process I put the final touches to a dream I conceived two years ago… again at an ISM Retreat! 🙂 Now, all I have to do is to take steps toward materialising it. As it is something completely new to me, all I have as a reference point is the vision, but this does not mean it is something airy-fairy. If I am not taking actions in accordance with the vision I am committed to, I feel pressure. Which is another concept I first heard at an ISM Retreat and it sounded very strange to me at the time.

Talking about ISM Retreats, here is our big news! 🙂

The Online ISM Retreat for 2025 will take place on April 25-27th.

The Residential ISM Retreat for 2025 will be in October.

Bookings are open, let’s dream them in! 🙂

Enjoy Lady Elizabeth’s fateful – yet lightful – sharing!

With all my love,


Dear Friends,

Happy Month! Happy October! Brrr, the overnight plunges in temperature here in Europe explains to me now why the Northern Hemispherers declare end of September as the end of summer!

This month our theme of “Dreaming True” follows hot on the heels of our Residential Retreat theme last month, “Love in Action”.

“In having become detached from the rational mind, and in opening the heart, the apprentice has shifted the focus in a very real sense, for instead of perceiving the world via the throat centre which controls the rational mind, he now perceives the world via the heart centre. In other words, the apprentice is now beginning to perceive true to the purpose of his dreamer, and it is this which constitutes the real meaning of that term learning to dream true. Once an apprentice is in contact with his heart true thinking becomes possible, for instead of rationalising about everything, which invariably ends up in circling thought, or internal dialogue, the apprentice now perceives the world and life in terms of feeling. Such feeling is always registered as an instantaneous knowing with every fibre of one’s being.”

When I was in the corporate world, I had no idea that I was living the madness of the dream – until I did register it. It still took me two years of rationalising for me to make the leap out of that world. By then I had met my first teacher, and he always used to say:-

“Jump! You may become strawberry jam – or you could fly! “ Lol!

I jumped! And at the end of the first month I waited for the sky to fall on my head! My first working month, ever, without a salary! Or paying tax! Lol!

Well, that was June 1995 – and here I am all these years later, still waiting to experience the sky falling on my head! So, what happened?

In June 1995, a month that holds huge significance*, I jumped! I closed a door. And within “minutes” the next door opened. My then teacher insisted I go and meet this man called Théun Mares as he may have something of value for the two of us. By that time, I was reticent to follow my teacher anywhere, as where he had been headed made me feel like I was back in the corporate world of power over. But…he gave me an option I could live with, and off I went.

I arrived at this man’s door, a stable door the top half of which was open. I knocked and this friendly looking man appeared – took one look at me and said :-

“Oh, there you are! I’ve been waiting for you for the past two years!”

The hair stood up on the back of my neck and I was ready to hightail it down his driveway! Lol! Instead…in that moment I registered a sense of inevitability. A sense that there were strings pushing me, that in some way I was a puppet. And that I needed to jump – again!

A few hours later, I walked out knowing that I had just found my Path with a Heart; that I would never have recognised it had I not been on a Path with NO heart. I left with a draft copy of “Return of the Warriors” – and two weeks after that I started teaching! Two weeks after that I called Théun in a panic and said:-

“Help! I have no idea what I am doing! I have 60 people a week coming to classes, I have caught a bus, and I have no idea what to do with it! I am a chartered account not a teacher of any sort!”

The response? A raucous gale of laughter, absolutely no sympathy and a rejoinder of “I think you had better come and see me!” And for the next 16 years, until he passed away, Théun saw me. Really saw me.

From that first meeting when Théun asked me what made my heart sing, I had said without thinking “To help people to help themselves”. Since then, I have been on a journey doing exactly that. That small phrase has been my guiding light ever since. Every opportunity that has come my way is measured against that maxim. I have come to trust those guiding hands, to trust my feelings at all times when opportunities arise. To dream true to my purpose in this lifetime has brought me opportunities and adventures I would never have been able to work out with my mind.

Last week I was in Turkey with a group of my closest friends, family I call them, reflecting on this extravagant journey of adjustment I have been on all this time – and honoured I am to have met the members of this family who make each step of our journey together rich beyond measure.

By dreaming true I found my family with heart. And we also have a business that makes a difference. Sharing this common purpose with dear ones makes my heart sing!

Have fun exploring our theme this month, my friends!

P>S> You already know your purpose! 😉 All you have to do is get on with it and – JUMP! Lol!

With all my love and warmth,

“On 13th June 1995 there occured what has been to date perhaps the most significant full moon in the history of humanity. On that day all life on this planet entered an unprecedented era. Although man in general is as yet oblivious to the momentous changes which took place on that full moon, he has nevertheless been catqapulted into an experience which will soon begin to materialise its effects upon the physical plane. These effects will gradually become clear for all to see, and it will be then that the man will recognise for himself that his old and comfortably-familiar world is now slipping away rapidly…”

Volume 2, The Toltec Teachings, Théun Mares, Introduction

Milen Ivanov
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