Pay Attention!
Because attention is an act of will we have commands like, “Pay attention”. The most powerful technique for developing…
Winner? Or Loser?
Therefore, instead of becoming irritated, I should have been grateful and co-operative!
When I walk or sit, or whatever I do, I always sense my body and specifically what is/what feels ALIVE in my body – this is…
The Well of Being Creative
It entails my relying on my own inner warmth and it unfolds like a “pregnant pause stage” until I give birth to the new!
Fun – The Missing Link!
So how can I bring back the fun into the process of my learning and not see fun as just entertainment? How can I be…
Using Vulnerability to Stand Up for Myself
More than a year ago I made a decision to challenge myself to face my fear of exposing my vulnerable side with people.
What Does It Mean To Be Real?
Once I acknowledged the REALITY of my situation, I was then able to confront this fear within myself – and then to do…
Is Co-operating Intelligently a Step Forward?
And my departing point on this journey is a simple truth that I already have all I need with which to start!!
What Does It Mean To Be a True Male?
And this is the essence of the reality that lies beyond the face value of the above myth: Life is not and could never be a…
Felling Helpless and Out of Control Now?
And if I’m awake enough, I may register the moment I’m about to succumb to inertia – and reverse it!