Freeing My Expression
Learning to navigate your relationships provides opportunities to reconnect to the wonder and uniqueness of who you truly…
To Marry or Not to Marry – the Challenges of Commitment
A convenient boy-girl-friend relationship cannot be left open-ended forever.
Working with Emotions
In all of this, working with and managing our anger was the theme of the challenge – and both of us were using our anger as…
Anger and Blame – Constructive?
I have a good feeling that I am able to laugh at myself under stressful situations and somehow all this experience brings…
Effortless Power
What did I do to get from expending untold energy to what is for me now an effortless pleasure?
Men Don’t Cry
We take action – a man cannot be impotent; we can find the harmony through conflict, confrontation.
I Don’t Know!
I am amazed to what lengths I go to maintain a self-image that "I know!" when in fact I KNOW I have no clue!
A Fresh Approach in Learning about Life
My natural curiosity and inquisitiveness in learning all about life is my constant drive.