Dear Friends,
Our final Theme for 2024 is:
This theme feels to me like a fresh breeze compared with what I usually do in December, that is, looking back at the year behind. I did a lot this year, yet the best way to say goodby to it might be to embrace these final days with gratitude.
Thus, I intend to be relaxed so that I can listen to my feelings, and then to act upon them in whatever way – big or small, but hopefully uplifting! 🙂
Enjoy Lady Elizabeth’s inspiring – as in-spirit – sharing!!
With all my love,
Dear Friends,
Happy Month! Happy December!!
Here in the Southern Hemisphere the vibe feels frenetic – and the traffic hectic! Or could it simply be the effects of all this Black Friday frenzied adoption from shores afar! I mean we don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving at the tip of Africa, so why advertise Black Friday from 5th November, who knows!?!
At last summer has arrived!!! The days are beginning to feel glorious and sunny. At the same time, I am observing images of the Northern Hemisphere, with zero envy, I must admit! Lol!
Our theme this month is uber inspiring – and my newsletter contribution is mostly going to reflect the guidance with which I am working and being inspired, as I am flipping in and out of “Acting upon our feelings” at this time! Lol!
My mind is super strong these days and I am a work in progress in harnessing it into its rightful place!
I knew on my return to Cape Town this year I would initially be faced with work deadlines that would take a few weeks to meet. I also had every intention of addressing the physical part of my life. So the face value of my key challenges at this time are mostly physical. With a body that has served me superbly well all this time, something I can now see just how much I have taken it for granted*, even though I THOUGHT I wasn’t! I find myself in the unknown, mostly.
(* For example, do you pay any attention to what your body needs to do simply to get up off the toilet seat! B😁)
Back to the unknown:-
What is the best approach in learning to open the heart.Answer:
Learn to TRUST your feelings, for only in this way can you truly open the heart. Trusting your feelings means ACTING upon them in some way. HOW you act upon them is up to you because you can ONLY act upon feelings WITHIN the CONTEXT of your life. But as your life is not my life I cannot tell you how to do this. Simply strive to be wide awake at ALL TIMES and you will be able to see very clearly HOW to act upon your feelings.”
My feelings on arrival were that up until now, working on my own, solutions had not brought ongoing relief to some injury to my right leg. The pain refers mostly to the area around my knee- and my goal at this time is to be able to leap up off a chair again, something I could do all my life without thinking. So I enlisted the help of my chiropractor/healer for a diagnosis and a biokineticist to assist me in rebuilding strength in my right leg..
After these past 3 weeks both of them are puzzled. They can find nothing wrong with me!! -, and whilst they accept I am experiencing pain, they are both unable to give me a diagnosis at this time! Lol! I have now got them working together.:-)
“Acting upon your feelings will bring forth CONSEQUENCES, and the trick here lies in being able to see the consequences for what they truly are, for THEREIN lies the NEW KNOWLEDGE uncovered. It is the NEED for this new knowledge which sparks off the feelings in the first place. However, I cannot stress enough how EXTREMELY IMPORTANT it is NOT to try to INTERPRET feelings, but rather to ACT upon them. The moment you interpret a feeling you have LOST the PLOT, for you will have interpreted it according to your view of the world and therefore keep yourself STUCK! Whereas if you ACT upon the feeling you WILL gain NEW KNOWLEDGE, which is not only good in itself, but it is also this new knowledge gained that enables you to start dismantling your view of the world and thereby gain fluidity of perception.”
I also have access to an integrative doctor who advocates that his first personal rule in treating a patient is to “change the patient’s story” I followed my feelings in watching his videos once again and having seen that I am up against the unknown, I decided to have x-rays taken of my knees/legs. Perhaps there will be a clue for me and my team of two to work with, but mostly, if there is nothing physical – hold thumbs – then I will know for sure that I have some serious recapping to do. To find some answers way beyond the face value.
So today I await the results! My warning is to be wide awake:-
“We either make decisions from the MIND, or we make decisions from the HEART! When we decide from the MIND we THINK we KNOW, we THINK it is the best, we THINK we are CLEVER when we get the results we WANTED, and we THINK we are bad when we get the results we did NOT WANT! But in all of this we are simply the LITTLE SELF busy getting lost in its own delusions of grandeur.”
Impatiently I called the radiologists just now. I was told I need to wait 7 business days for the results! Bloody hell! Lol! And yet I have found since the radiologist issued a rare invitation yesterday to “can you pull up your pants please?” as he aimed this machine directly at me whilst he hid away in a box! Lol! I find myself in a superbly quiet minded space. Calm. The outcome is not in my hands.
My inspiration :-
“If, on the other hand, we make decisions based upon our HEARTS we KNOW for a fact that we do NOT know, and therefore whatever the results, they are for ever in the realm of an EVOLUTIONARY process, a process that guides us from one step to the next! But in BOTH cases, all our actions, all our decisions, are nothing more than FOLLY, for our fates are going to unfold regardless!
So, yes, the wise man, rather than breaking his HEAD trying to figure it all out, simply ACTS upon what FEELS right for him, without prejudice, without preconceptions of what the results SHOULD be, and then ACCEPTS with HUMILITY the consequences of his actions. Such ACCEPTANCE is then in the nature of CONTROLLING his folly, rather than trying to AVOID it!”
I am trusting the process of life and hope you will join me in having fun with our theme this month, my friends!
PS Oh, did I share with you about the dermatologist I allowed into my head for 3 days!! after she asked if I had Parkinsons after I had hoisted up my body off of her low sofa! LAMOF! (laughing at my own folly)
With all my summery warmth and gratitude,
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