Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!! 🙂
Our first Theme for 2025 is:
This theme is naturally evolving from what I am busy doing at the moment!
I am reading my Journal for 2024 – two volumes! 🙂 – one month per day, and noting all the threads I identify in a “protocol book” – this is what its factory label says! 🙂 For example, I have in the protocol book a clean page entitled FoS, from Frontiers of The Self – the pinnacle ISM Course that I had the privilege to attend in May and which was the pinnacle of “my” year; and I note on this page all mentions of the Course with dates and numbers.
Part of the purpose of this “exercise” is, obviously, to actually read my Journal ;), but also I am getting some strikingly clear sense of the underlying threads! And I am enjoying it a lot… 🙂
Enjoy Lady Elizabeth’s open and humour-and-joy-filled sharing!
With all my love,
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
May your 2025 be filled with mystery, warmth, adventures, laughter, and more than a sprinkle of magic!
Following hot on our December 2024 theme of “Acting upon our feelings” comes our first theme of 2025 “Stalking our perception”!
Realise that whilst we are still subject to selective perception, and whilst our view of the world is still intact, there is always the danger that we will interpret our feelings to make them fit into our view of the world. The only way around this is to acknowledge the feelings that arise, but then to allow oneself to unravel the knowledge expressed by them within one’s daily life. That is what is meant by stalking one’s own perception by utilising the doings of others.”
Whilst I was still working with acting on feelings I received an invitation from one of my sister’s to join she and her family at her mother in law’s home for Christmas Day celebrations.
I didn’t respond immediately for two reasons – firstly my sister, LM, has a major resistance to her mama-in-law, PC, whom she sees as super controlling over her son – forget about working with PC’s mirror! Lol! – and when in the company of both of the ladies, LM sits with this cloud of unpleasant to me intensity about her. And secondly, we were each asked to bring our own food to eat, with zero reassurance that we would at least pool/share the food.
On the latter I was quite outspoken at my discomfort so brother in law jumped in to say his mama is now an octogenarian and hosting a full on Christmas dinner is too stressful. Accepting that part of it still left me not making sense of the non-sharing.
After I left my family that day, I started to stalk my perception. What was so important to me about sharing the food? It took minutes to realise that shifting the focus to sharing each other’s company was my path with a heart – and my “issue” with food was face value. That part of the invitation I felt was “cheap”, but that this had more to do with LM’s resentment to PC than too much to do with food.
Then two nights before Xmas I got a message to say PC had been admitted by ambulance to the ICU and would be having a pace maker fitted (?) come Christmas Eve! – that a Christmas Day get together was now in the balance. I experienced some relief and mysteriously some wonder at the turn of events. Perhaps if PC had been doing the full hostess thing, it may have been more than a pacemaker required!
Christmas Eve late afternoon the next message came to say pacemaker operation complete. PC is returning home Christmas morning and the party is on, arrive 12,30!
I duly arrived at 12,30 to find an ashen looking PC who had just arrived home from hospital whilst her two sons and their families were out running around trying to buy by now all sold out Christmas fare!! It sure wasn’t PC who was stressing over food! Lol!
By 2,30pm all had arrived and quite organically whatever food had been found, it all got pooled on the table and we all shared each other’s contributions. That shot a hole in that initial perception of mine!😀
Whilst waiting for the families to arrive I had ample time to sit with an off and on incoherent PC and to stalk my own perceptions of MY relationship with her. By the time LM arrived, I was quite relaxed in PC’s company and enjoying all her travel adventure stories that the rest of her family had heard a gazillion times and over which they were rolling their eyes Lol!
This Christmas Day, like last year, LM still sat stewing in her intense corner whilst I was completely relaxed and especially enjoying connecting with my young nephews who each have the warmest hugs ever, whilst LM’s hug was like hugging a prickly pear! RATFL! (A future mirror? Lol!)
“Realise that intensity is but the result of a particular level of perception. Therefore if we wish to alter our intensity, and thereby learn to control it, then we must strive to alter our level of perception and learn to control this also. This brings us straight back to the concept of the necessity to have a fluid assemblage point, for without fluidity we cannot control our level of perception or, for that matter, our intensity. However, the easiest way in which to achieve a fluid assemblage point is to learn to stalk our perception, and the best way in which to do this is to learn to read the tensions inherent within daily life, for these tensions are but the product of intensity.”
Enjoy your New Year, my friends and let’s have lots more fun with our learning in 2025!
With all my love and joy,
- Eleventh ISM Global Residential Retreat - 9th October 2025
- Sixth ISM Global Online Retreat - 25th April 2025
- Fluidity - 1st March 2025